Saturday, April 6, 2013

Let's Get Real

According to a Huffington Post article, 70-year-old Italian scientist Gian Paolo Vanoli claims that vaccinations cause homosexuality. In an interview, Vanoli, an advocated of alternative medicine, claims, "The vaccine is introduced into the child, the child then grows and tries to find its own personality, and if this is inhibited by mercury or other substances present in the vaccine which enter the brain, the child becomes gay. The problem will especially be present in the next generations, because when gays have children, the children will carry along with them the DNA of their parent’s illness. Because homosexuality is a disease, even though the WHO has decided that it is not. Who cares! The reality is that it is so. Each vaccination produces homosexuality, because it prevents the formation of one’s personality. It is a microform of autism, if you will. You will see how many gays there will be in the next generation, it will be a disaster."  Apparently homosexuality became prevalent after the mass administration of vaccines.  He says he doesn't "blame" homosexuals for their illness and that he supports gay marriage - he just wants people to accept that despite the World Health Organization's view, homosexuality is an illness/disease and that it is caused by vaccine. [Insert LOL here] 
For a moment, forget what your views are on homosexuality.  Think about Vanoli's claims from a purely scientific point of view.  They have absolutely no basis or sound evidence.  At least with the vaccine-autism speculation, there were attempts at scientific exploration (albeit unethical and unsuccessful).  Intrigued by the claims of this bold old man, I explored Google far and wide to find the research and basis behind his outrageous claim.  Needless to say, I have found nothing yet.  (I did, however, find one website saying "Vanoli admitted he drinks his own urine daily, “a glass every day,” because he believes it is “great therapy” to reverse the effects of vaccination." I don't know what the accuracy of this is and I am fairly certain urine does not reverse the effects of vaccines.  I'm just putting it out there the same way he put his thoughts out there.) 
It's so unfortunate that this absurd story has gone viral in the matter of just a couple days whereas sound scientific journalism does not peak as much interest.  
In my opinion, based off what I have learned about what is known about vaccines thus far, it is not possible for vaccines to confer psychological changes in an individual.  The effects of the trace amount of mercury containing preservative, thimerosal, in vaccines have not been scientifically associated with medical problems.  This scientific claim settles much better with me than someone who claims to be a scientist.
Now, bring back into play your views on homosexuality.  Vanoli's claims can certainly be a cause for anger, hurt, and mistrust in science.  Despite the findings of their research, scientists must be more sensitive in the way that research is presented. Reading Vanoli's claim trouble me deeply as a scientist, science writer, and hopefully physician.  It's very sad that these claims are published in the media with no evidence and to have the word "scientist", which most people regard with reverence, associated with it. I'm all for freedom of speech but this is just an abuse of it and I hope the scientific community responds to this.